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"Discovering My Identity: Reflections on Who I Am in 2024"

Bridget Flannery

3 min read

Apr 4



If you read the about me section, you may be wondering a little bit more about my life. Who I am now is not exactly the person I pictured I would become, but that is the neverending journey of life. I was always that person that had it all figured out. I would go to school to become a teacher, marry my high school sweetheart right after graduation, no renting just go straight to buying a house, get a job at the district I went to, and raise our babies in the country in a house we built. Truthfully my life is still going in that direction, but we have some added "bonuses".

I did marry my high school sweetheart, we started dating at the ripe age of 14, and I am so blessed to be going through life with him. He is the reason I can stay home with our babies and not lose my sanity by also being home with us 4 out of 7 days a week. Be kind to your emergency room nurses they may be carrying loads you know nothing about, and they are trying to get you back home to live whatever type of life you choose. This man is the definition of selfless, and I am incredibly lucky to call him mine.

I also went to college and graduated with my Early Childhood and Elementary Teaching Degree and landed my dream job in the school district we went to and will send our kids. This job was so very intimidating and trying at times. Starting your teaching career right before a world pandemic throws you for a loop. Teaching online was not my cup of tea, but I learned a lot about different resources that I loved utilizing within the classroom. I cannot wait to return to the classroom at some point in my life.

Lastly, I get to raise my babies and now I get to raise them by staying at home with them. Although challenging, I wouldn't change it for the world. I get to have these memories with them that I will never take for granted, they grow too fast. Our plan is still to build out in the country, but now it is for a different reason.

Our second son was born on January 2nd of 2023, two days after birth he had to undergo a planned MRI to check out a cyst they found on our 20-week scan. The MRI did confirm the cyst which was no concern, but also had other findings including a diagnosis of Lissencephaly. This genetic condition makes Edy's brain a smooth surface instead of having the ridges that the average brain has. This diagnosis produces an array of abilities, so we have no idea what our future holds with Ed, but we are preparing for the unknown in every step of life. His diagnosis has changed our view of life and what we want for our kids and ourselves, but we are excited about where this journey takes us.

As for now, this blog and shop will allow me to connect with individuals who need some honesty, compassion, and/or motivation to choose yourself, and your family because life is too short to do otherwise.

Down below you will find family pictures as of the spring of 2023 of our family of 4. Dax just turned 2 and Edy was born at the beginning of the year. Our lives may not look that much different from a year ago, but internally we have all changed so much. It is crazy how much one MRI can change your perspective, and outlook on life as a mother. I urge you to follow me along as I develop this craft, not only to keep up with life as a mother of two under 3, but to grow yourself, to find your nitch, or just to find something to read late at night.

Like always connect with me, I would love to hear your story!


Bridget Flannery

3 min read

Apr 4



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