The Full Story
Many words describe me as a person, but the ones that have been etched into my existence
and helped me shape what I want this website to be: Mama, Teacher, and Creator.
I am currently a stay-at-home mom with two boys, an extraordinary husband, and two dogs
in the wonderful state of Minnesota.
Before I get too much into my story I want to connect on my why for Honest Words.
This website came to be when I felt an urge to be more than mommy. I have always been
passionate about creating and wanted to extend that into blogging. Since becoming a stay-at-home mom, I have left behind a career that I adore. A career that allowed me to talk and create as much as I pleased, so here it is the place where I get to do that again. I hope that through this website I can give you honest insight into all things mom life, teaching, and my newfound journey into creating things homemade. My goal is to support individuals to be authentically themselves and feel proud of what they bring to their families and careers.
Before 2023, if you asked me what I see in my future I would say staying in my dream job, raising my babies, and hopefully building a house in the coming years. Once our second son was born 2 days into 2023, our entire lives shifted. Our son was born with a rare condition that was ultimately the reason I decided to leave my dream job, teaching at our local public elementary school, and stay home to support our then 2-year-old and newborn baby. Since then, a year of trials and tribulations has driven me to a point of wanting an outlet to feel more than the one identity I carry with me daily. Read more at